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2022-10-08 22:35  









1. 2006/05-2011/01博士比利时安特卫普 (University of Antwerp),计算机;

博士论文: Middleware-based adaptation evolution with reusable adaptation components

2. 1999/09 -2002/04硕士,中南大学,计算机应用;

3. 1995/09 -1999/07学士,中南工业大学信息工程


1. 2018.06~now,中南大学,特聘副教授

2. 2014./102018.05,浙江理工大学,副教授;

3. 2013/042014/9,浙江理工大学,讲师;

4. 2011/01 2013/3,比利时鲁汶大学(KU LeuvenBelgiumDistriNet 研究组,博士后研究员;

5. 2006/05–2010/12,比利时安特卫普大学(University of AntwerpBelgiumPATS 研究组,博士研究员;

6. 2003/10–2011/01,中南大学,信息科学与工程学院,讲师;

7. 1999/072003/09,中南大学,信息科学与工程学院,助教。



1. 基于场景画像的建筑新能源的在线建模和优化控制,2020.01~2021.12, 国家自然科学基金地区交流项目

2. 基于场景画像的可持续演化软件在线演化关键技术研究 2018.01~2021.12 国家自然科学基金 1/8 59

3. 面向流程行业的控制机理模型和微服务工业互联网平台测试床(特定场景) 2018.7~2020.12 工信部工业互联网重大项目 9/30 2000

4. 化工行业基于工业大数据的精馏塔设备建模、诊断和控制优化规范及试验验证平台 2017.06~2019.12 工信部中国制造2025重大1600



1. 2019年有色金属联合会二等奖,排名第一



1. Wei, J., Qiu, Z., Wang, F., Lin, W., Gui, N., & Gui, W. (2022). Understanding via Exploration: Discovery of Interpretable Features With Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. CCF B类,中科院1

2. Wei, J., Wang, F., Zeng, W., Lin, W., & Gui, N. (2022, August). An Embedded Feature Selection Framework for Control. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 1979-1988). CCF数据挖掘 A

3. Qiu, Z., Zeng, W., Liao, D., & Gui, N. (2022). A-SFS: Semi-supervised feature selection based on multi-task self-supervision. Knowledge-Based Systems, 252, 109449. 中科院1

4. Li, Y., Lin, B., Luo, B., & Gui, N. (2022). Graph Representation Learning Beyond Node and Homophily. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. CCF 人工智能 A

5. Hou, J., Wang, F., Wei, C., Huang, H., Hu, Y., & Gui, N. (2022). Credibility Assessment Based Byzantine-Resilient Decentralized Learning. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. CCF 安全 A

6. Song, D., Liu, J., Yang, Y., Yang, J., Su, M., Wang, Y., ... & Joo, Y. H. (2021). Maximum wind energy extraction of large-scale wind turbines using nonlinear model predictive control via Yin-Yang grey wolf optimization algorithm. Energy, 221, 119866. 中科院1

7. Lin, B., Luo, B., He, J., & Gui, N. (2021, May). Self-supervised Adaptive Aggregator Learning on Graph. In Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 29-41). Springer, Cham. CCF C

8. Cao, L., Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., & Gui, N. (2021). A Multiattention-Based Supervised Feature Selection Method for Multivariate Time Series. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2021. SCI中科院3

9. Gui, N., Wang, C., Qiu, Z., Gui, W., & Deconinck, G. (2019). IFC-based partial data model retrieval for distributed collaborative design. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(3). SCI中科院3

10. Gui, N., Lou, J., Qiu, Z., & Gui, W. (2019). Temporal feature selection for multi-step ahead reheater temperature prediction. Processes, 7(7), 473. SCI中科院2

11. Gui, N., Ge, D., & Hu, Z. (2019, July). AFS: An attention-based mechanism for supervised feature selection. In Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence (Vol. 33, No. 01, pp. 3705-3713). CCF A

12. Ning, Gui, et al. "e-BIM: a BIM-centric design and analysis software for Building Integrated Photovoltaics." Automation in Construction 87 (2018): 127-137. 中科院1

13. 桂宁, 葛丹妮,马智亮,基于云技术的 BIM 架构研究与实践综述,图学学报 2018 Vol. 39 Issue 5 Pages 817-828

14. Ning, G., L. Junnan, D. Yansong, Q. Zhifeng, J. Qingshan, G. Weihua and D. Geert, 2017. Bim-based pv system optimization and deployment. Energy and Buildings. SCI, 中科院二区

15. 桂宁 H. Kan, Q. Zhifeng, G. Weihua and D. Geert, 2018. E-bim: A bim-centric design and analysis software for building integrated photovoltaics. Automat Constr, 87: 127-137. SCI中科院1

16. 桂宁,De Florio, VincenzoHolvoet, TomATALK: A decentralized agent platform for engineering openand dynamic organizations Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 29, pp 178-190, 2014/3(SCI, EI) 中科院2

17. 桂宁,V. D. Florio. Transformer: an adaptation framework with contextual adaptation behavior composition support [J]. Software Practice & Experience, DOI=10.1002/spe.2137, 2013. (SCI, EI

18. Qiu, Zhifeng, 桂宁*, Yang, Chunhua, Deconinck, GeertGui, Weihua. Assessing impact of subjective demand beliefs on a dynamic duopoly electricity market game International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 60, pp 182-189, 2014/9 EI,SCI

19. 桂宁, De Florio V, Sun H, Blondia C. Toward architecture-based context-aware deployment and adaptation [J]. Journal of Systems and Software,  84(2): 185-197, 2011. (SCI, EI)

20. 桂宁, De Florio V., Sun H., C. Blondia. An Architecture-Based Adaptation Framework for Soft Real-Time Applications. Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems, 1(4), 15-24, 2010 (EI)

21. Z. Qiu, 桂宁, Deconinck G.. Analysis of equilibrium-oriented bidding strategies with inaccurate electricity market models [J]. Int J Elec Power, 46(3): 306-314, 2013 (SCI, EI

22. Z. Qiu, 桂宁, C. Yangc, G. Deconincka, ,W. Gui, Assessing Impact of Subjective Demand Beliefs on a Dynamic Duopoly Electricity Market Game [J]. Int J Elec Power, 60: 182-189, 2013 (SCI, EI,通讯作者)

23. Z. Qiu, 桂宁, Deconinck G., Analysis of Dynamic Game Played with Inaccurate Beliefs[J]. Int J App Math Com,230:530-541, 2014 (SCI, EI, 通讯作者)

24. H Sun., V. De Florio, 桂宁, C. Blondia. The Missing Ones: Key Ingredients towards Effective Ambient Assisted Living Systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 2: 109-120, 2010 (SCI, EI)

25. H. Sun., V. De Florio , 桂宁, C. Blondia. Towards longer, better and more active lives: mutual assisted living community for older people.  Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals, 2(4). 2008 .(SCI, EI)

