计算机科学与技术双一流学科博导;校青年拔尖人才,北京市青年英才;分别于2000,2003,2006年取得吉林大学学士、硕士、博士学位,硕博师从林院士;本科跳一级提前完成学业;先后于清华大学、中国传媒大学计算机学院任职,国家媒体融合与传播重点实验室研究成员;先后于美国Lehigh University(2015), Penn State University(2016)访学,美国宾州州立大学SoS实验室合作研究员。在教学方面:全英文课主讲教师,2门次课程获全校第1,曾获省部级一等奖1项、三等奖1项;省部级优秀指导教师2等奖2次,3等奖10余次。获校青年骨干教师、校优秀教师、优秀实习团队、科技创新优秀指导教师等荣誉。科研方面:先后主持纵横向项目20项,先后骨干身份参加或主持过多项国家级项目,在国内外以第一作者身份发表三大检索论文40余篇,其他作者身份论文20余篇。历任CCS workshop TPC, ICCCN workshop TPC, AITS TPC, CCF会员、IEEE会员、大数据专委会委员、多个著名期刊(TC、TII、FGCS、CS等)审稿专家、多项项目评审专家,国际EI期刊International Journal of Embedded Systems亚太区主编、SCI检索期刊Computer Science and Information Systems编委,CCF区块链专委会执行委员,CCF计算机安全专委会委员,新技术安全联盟理事。
最新研究信息更新及数据安全研究室网站:https://fanyongkai.github.io/ Data Security 数据安全方向(2019-至今,第一作者或通讯作者) 1. Yongkai Fan,Validating the integrity of Convolutional Neural Network predictions based on Zero-Knowledge Proof, information Science, (中科院1区+CCF B期刊), 2023 2. Fine-Grained Visual Interpretability fValidating the integrity of Convolutional, Digital Communications and Networks (通讯作者,学生1作,JCR1区+中科院1区), 2023. 3. Yongkai Fan, Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning on Big Data in Cloud, China Communication (JCR1区), 2023. 4. Optimal Control of Asymmetrical Multi-Agent Switching Systems,IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking,(通讯作者,学生1作,JCR1区), 2022. 5. Yongkai Fan, Robust End Hopping for Secure Satellite Communication in Moving Target Defense, IEEE IoTJ(JCR1区+中科院1区+IoT类顶刊), 2022. 6. Yongkai Fan, A Study on Optimally Constructed Compactly Supported Orthogonal Wavelet Filters, Computer Science and Information Systems (JCR3区+中科院4区), 2022. 7. CIDNN: A Provably Convergent Interpretation for Deep Neural Networks,Applied Soft Computing Journal,(通讯作者,学生1作,JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF 推荐期刊), 2021. 8. Yongkai Fan, Data Privacy Preserving of K-means Clustering Algorithm Based on Secure Multi-party Computing, JPDC, (JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF B期刊), 2021. 9. Yongkai Fan, SBBS: A Secure Blockchain-based Scheme for IoT Data Credibility in Fog Environment,IEEE IoT, (JCR1区+中科院1区+IoT类顶刊), 2021. 10. Yongkai Fan, One Enhanced Secure Access Scheme for Outsourced Data, information Science, (JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF B期刊), 2021. 11. Yongkai Fan, Privacy Preserving Based Logistic Regression on Big Data, Journal of Network and Computer Application,(JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF 推荐期刊), 2020. 12. Yongkai Fan, SNPL: One Scheme of Securing Nodes in IoT Perception Layer, Sensors,(JCR1区+中科院2区), 2020. 13. Secure Data Storage and Recovery in Industrial Blockchain Network Environments, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,( JCR1区+中科院1区+高被引), 2020. 14. Yongkai Fan,A Security Scheme for Fog Computing Environment of IoT,IoT S&P workshop in CCS 19,CCS, 2019. 15. Yongkai Fan , A Blockchain-Based Data-Sharing Architecture, Blocksys19,2019. 16. Yongkai Fan, TraceChain: a blockchain-based scheme to protect data confidentiality and traceability, Software: Practice and Experience, (CCF 推荐B类期刊 + JCR 2区 + 中科院3区),2019. 17. Yongkai Fan, A Secure Privacy Preserving Deduplication Scheme for Cloud Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems(JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF推荐期刊), 2019. 18. Yongkai Fan, One Secure Data Integrity Verification Scheme for Cloud Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems(JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF推荐期刊), 2019. 19. Yongkai Fan, Fine-Grained Access Control Based on Trusted Execution Environment,Future Generation Computer Systems(JCR1区+中科院1区+CCF推荐期刊), 2020. 20. Yongkai Fan, One Secure IoT Scheme for Protection of True Nodes, Leture Note in Computer Science(EI国际期刊), 2019. 21. Yongkai Fan, One Secure Access Scheme based on Trusted Execution Environment, TrustCom18, (CCF推荐会议,EI),2019. 22. Yongkai Fan, CSCAC: one Constant-size CPABE Access Control scheme in Trusted Execution Environment, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering(EI国际期刊),2019. |